• Delegating Chores Could Provide You More Time to Pursue Your Dream

    by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce Sometimes we feel we have so many responsibilities we don’t have any time to pursue our dream. Everyone has responsibilities. However, maybe of the chores involved could be delegated. Often we feel no one else could… { keep reading }

  • Are You Allowing Others to Sabotage Your Dream?

    by Joyce Dunaway Are you serious about pursuing your dream?  If not, your friends and family will not think it’s important to you. They’ll think it’s a hobby or a temporary pastime. Family and friends are an important part of… { keep reading }

  • Reward Yourself as You Achieve Specific Goals while Pursuing Your Dream

    by Joyce Dunaway Have you listed the steps necessary to achieve your dream? Doing this will help you stay on track. It will keep you from being overwhelmed by the enormity of what it will take to achieve your dream.… { keep reading }

  • Never Give Up Your Dream

    by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce Commitment and perseverance are the keys to success. Deciding to pursue your dream is a giant step which takes a lot of courage. Continuing to work toward your goal is often hard. There will be days… { keep reading }

  • What is the Difference Between Dreams, Wishes, and Goals?

    by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce A dream is a strongly desired goal or purpose. For example: Your dream might be to become a published author. Is this attainable? Yes. How? By persistent effort and determination. A wish is a desire for… { keep reading }

  • How My Attitude Affects the Dreams of My Heart

    By Joyce Dunaway @Dunawayjoyce What is a dream you’ve had for years, but have not achieved? Perhaps you’ve started working on it several times, but haven’t finished. You’ve convinced yourself it will never happen and give up in frustration. But… { keep reading }

  • Baby Steps to Accomplishing Your Dream

    Do you need to further your education to fulfill your dream? Start by taking one course. Is your goal to write a novel? Start by writing two pages a day. Do you want to run a marathon? Start by running… { keep reading }

  • Excuses for not pursuing your dream

    The main reason people give for not pursuing their dream is a lack of TIME. Someone told me that we make time for things we sincerely want to do. Analyze how you spend your time. Think of things you could… { keep reading }

  • Step One

    Have you been revisiting your dream and asking God if this is His heart’s desire for you? If you’re convinced it’s His will, then write it down. Display it in four or five places where you’ll see it every day.… { keep reading }

  • It’s Never Too Late to Begin

    Is there a desire you would Like to pursue But feel it’s too late to start? Is there a goal that you long to fulfill Or a dream that still tugs At your heart? Then today is the day to… { keep reading }