Plugging into the Power Source of our Dreams is Essential for Fulfillment

by Joyce Dunaway

If you believe God is the source of your dreams, depending on Him is necessary for achieving your dreams.

Here are some suggestions on how to stay connected to the Dream Maker:

[ctt template=”4″ link=”1T323″ via=”no” ]Plugging into the Power Source of our Dreams is Essential for Fulfillment[/ctt]


  • Communicate with God to make sure you are pursuing the dreams He has placed in your heart instead of doing something out of selfish ambition.
  • Pray for guidance for each step of your journey.
  • Pray for strength—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  • Ask God for the resources you need—books, classes, and people.


Reading the Bible

  • God speaks to us through His Word.
  • His Word opens our hearts to hear His voice.
  • The Bible is our guidebook for life—how to love others, how to trust, how to persevere despite setbacks.
  • Memorizing scripture verses will provide encouragement, direction, assurance of His presence, and weapons to stop Satan’s fiery darts.


Trusting God

  • Trust His timing—He knows the best time for the fulfillment of your dreams.
  • Trust His guidance even when your dream goes in a different direction from what you had envisioned.
  • Trust in His provision—the necessary tools, strength, and knowledge.
  • Trust Him when others try to discourage you.

I would love to hear some of your suggestions on how to depend on God. Please leave your comments in the section below.

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