How to Rely on God to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce

It’s often hard for us to admit we need help. We want to brag that we accomplished our goals on our own. However, our independence can hinder the achievement of our dreams. If you are following a dream you feel God has given you, the first person to rely on is Him. If He gave you the desire, He will help you achieve it.

Following are some suggestions which will help you rely on God to help you achieve your dreams:

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We often feel we have to be in control of our destiny. If we don’t take charge, things won’t go the way we expect. However, most successful people give credit to others who have helped them achieve their goals. As Christians, we need to let go of control and give it to God.


Sometimes we wait until all options have been exhausted before admitting we need help. God desires for us to come to Him first and acknowledge we need His guidance, strength, and wisdom.


It’s good to visualize the realization of our dreams, but sometimes God changes the picture. He knows your talents and wants you to make the best use of them. You may visualize having your novels on the New York Times Bestseller List, but God may direct your writing to a smaller audience. He knows who needs to read your words.


We serve a Big God who can do the impossible. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Often we allow fear to keep us from trying something new. By depending on God’s help, we can step out in faith knowing He will supply what we need to accomplish the task.


It’s inspiring and motivating to receive awards and accolades for our work, but the ultimate goal is to bring glory to God. Our writing can touch the hearts of people and bring them closer to Him. He has given us the gift to write so any praise we receive leads us to praise and thank Him. Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (I Corinthians 10:31).

I would love to hear how relying on God has helped you in the pursuit of your dreams. Please share your thoughts in the section below.

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