Seven Ways to Prevent Discouragement from Derailing Your Dreams

by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce

To discourage is to take away someone’s enthusiasm or confidence with the purpose of persuading someone not to do something.

Discouragement is one of Satan’s favorite tools to keep us from achieving our dreams.

[ctt template=”4″ link=”jhZ70″ via=”no” ]Seven Ways to Prevent Discouragement from Derailing Your Dreams[/ctt]

Following are seven things we can do to overcome discouragement:

1. ELIMINATE NEGATIVE SELF-TALK. Avoid phrases such as “I’m a failure” (which you might feel like after receiving your 20th rejection letter).

2. PRACTICE POSITIVE SELF-TALK. Write uplifting phrases and scripture verses on note cards and post them all over your house and in your car.

3. AVOID NEGATIVE FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

4. READ GOD’S WORD. Permeating your thoughts with God’s Word, especially Psalms, will encourage you.

5. LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN MUSIC. Praise hymns will draw us closer to God. “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:2)

6. CHOOSE A MENTOR. If your dream is to become a successful writer, select a published author who will encourage you and advise you along your journey.

7. TRUST GOD’S TIMING. If you are pursuing a dream God has put in your heart, trust that He will provide the resources and people you need to accomplish your goal at the perfect time.

What are some things you do to stay encouraged? Please leave your comments in the section below.

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